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Self-Inquiry Sessions

The very first step is to arrive Home

These sessions are an intimate, loving and skilful container to help you discover, through guided self-inquiry, who you truly are and rest in your natural fulfilment and peace.

Are you going through emotional pain or mental turmoil?

Do you long to be loved and seen unconditionally?

Are you trying to escape the pain of yearning for something you cannot even describe?

Any of these can serve as an invitation to discover and recognise your True Face. Peace, Love and Happiness are not as far as our mind imagines them to be. In fact they are ultimately Here Now, and never left you for a single moment. It is one thing to say this, and completely another to recognise it first hand.

I am here, my dear friend, to support you in the discovery of your true nature.

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New to Self-Inquiry?

Let's meet heart to heart. Book a free 30 min introductory session with me.

Be a light unto yourself

Through these sessions I invite you directly Home. Home is where you can rest, where nothing is needed for you to be Happy and Fulfilled, where you can be a Light unto yourself, where you are held by Love, Peace and Compassion. Home is not something our mind can control, achieve or cultivate, but it can be recognised, experienced and surrendered to. Then your life can be lived from It. It is absolute, unconditional and always available.


Private session


1:1 Guided Self-Inquiry Session with Dmitry (60mins, online). 


Pack of 4 private sessions


A more economical option for those who are ready to go deeper.


Group Sessions


Join our monthly self-inquiry group meetings and discover your Self in all.

To book a session or a pack

For anyone looking, willing and ready to discover their true nature, beyond their conditioned beliefs and personal appearance. No prior practices are required.

Who is this for?


These sessions are NOT a replacement for professional medical treatment, psychotherapy or counselling. I strongly advise you to use professional help when needed.

What to expect?

Do not expect anything. Come rather with an empty cup, a beginner's mind. This and only this will open a door to new experiences and allow you to receive something new, which is unfamiliar yet to your mind.

In these sessions, I use a diverse set of tools, such as relaxation, breathing, guided meditation and self-inquiry to meet you wherever you are. I support you to let go of mental turmoil, work through suppressed emotional layers, while being grounded in your physicality and discover the Peace which is always here, where you can truly rest.


As you are a unique being with precious individual qualities, your discovery will also be unique. It therefore requires a tailored approach, suitable to you in this particular moment of your life. Together, we will choose and fine-tune a deeply personal journey for you, my friend. 

With Love and deep care,
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